research group
bringing precision diagnostics from discovery to patient
Professor Johan Hartman
Senior consultant pathologist at Karolinska University Hospital.
Research focus on precision pathology; image analysis (computational pathology),
molecular cancer profiling and patient-derived cancer models to predict patient-specific drug response.
Balazs Acs
MD, PhD, Postdoc researcher
Caroline Rönnlund
MD, PhD candidate
Medical doctor with a degree from Karolinska Institutet. I am currently a resident in surgical pathology at Karolinska University Hospital with a special interest in breast pathology. I am also a PhD student at Karolinska Institutet since 2019. My PhD thesis is focused on investigating HER2 positive breast cancer, looking into resistance patterns, outcome and gene expression of HER2. The aim is to improve HER2 diagnostics and facilitate the choice of anti-HER2 therapies.
Caroline Schagerholm
MD, PhD candidate
Ceren Boyaci
MD, PhD candidate
Emelie Karlsson
BSc, Research Coordinator
Research coordinator with a degree in Biomedical Sciences.
Coordinating the group’s research projects and resources.
Emmanouil Sifakis
MSc, PhD, Bioinformatician
Electronic and Computer Engineer by training with experience in Bioinformatics (Next-Generation Sequencing and Microarray data analysis), Biomedical Engineering (Image and Signal Processing), and Biostatistics.
Eugenia Colón
Qiao Yang
MSc, PhD candidate
Investigating intratumoral heterogeneity and drug resistance mechanisms via computational biology in breast cancer.
Sanna Steen
MD, PhD candidate
Stephanie Robertson
Tianyi Li
MSc, PhD, Postdoc researcher
Wenwen Sun
MD, PhD, Postdoc researcher
Xinsong Chen
PhD graduate from Karolinska Institutet and currently postdoc researcher. My projects focus on establishing and utilizing cancer patient derived ex vivo models to assist precision oncology and novel drug development, as well as the role of intratumoral heterogeneity in cancer progression and treatment.
Our Research
© Hartman Research Group 2024